The increasing demand of electricity, the high price of oil and
the growing concerns for our environment are some of several factors
that forcing us to enhance the uses of alternative energy sources.
Among a variety of renewable energy sources, solar energy is a
sustainable alternative option that can be utilized in various
ways and can be used for many applications.
Solar power is produced by collecting sunlight and converting
into electricity, heat and lighting. This is done by using solar
panels to convert sunlight into electricity, and using solar
thermal collectors to absorb solar energy for heating water.
Advantages of solar power
| The energy and heat from the sun is free and unlimited.
| Solar power is non-polluting. Solar power usage does not
emit any greenhouse gases or harmful waste. |
| Solar power is perfect and saving for power generation
in remote areas or where the cost of expansion utility grid
is high. |
| Solar power is versatile. It can be used for low-power
purpose as well as larger ones - from hand-held calculators,
watches, and solar powered garden lights to water heaters,
cars, buildings and satellites. |
| Solar power system requires very little maintenance and
last for many years. |
Applications of solar energy
| Daylighting
The oldest solar application is daylighting. Daylighting
system collects and distributes sunlight to provide effective
internal illumination inside buildings. Daylighting design
implies careful selection of window types, sizes and orientation
may be considered as well. There are also other architectural
features such as light shelves and even active sun tracking
system which combine with fiber optics or mirrors to provide
light to interior of large buildings. |
Solar Thermal
Solar thermal technologies can be used for water heating
in homes or commercial and space heating or space cooling
for buildings. Solar water heating systems use different
type of collectors to gather and store the solar energy for heating water used in residential, commercial and
industrial applications. For space heating and cooling
in warm temperature region, the thermal mass materials
is needed to keep building cool by absorbing solar energy
during a day and radiate stored heat to cooler atmosphere
at night. However they can be used in cold temperature
areas to maintain warmth as well.
| Solar Electric Power Generation
Solar energy can be directly converted to electricity by
photovoltaic cells. Solar photovoltaic (PV) systems provide
electricity to home or business for lighting, TV, fan, computer,
stereo, refrigerator, water pump or livestock feeders, without
connection to utility grid. They are also used to power
watches, calculators and sign lights. |